Snapchat Emoji Meanings — Friend Emojis
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Kann ganz allgemein als Symbol für das weibliche Geschlecht verwendet werden. On April 1st, user nanilul attempted to place a monkaS emote on Reddit's canvas shown below. Emoticon An acronym for emotion icon, a small icon composed of punctuation characters that indicate how an e-mail message should be interpreted that is, the writer's mood.
Das C steht für Copyright, also Urheberrecht. U+263A and U+263B are inherited from Microsoft introduced in 1981, although inspired by older systems The block was introduced in Standard version 6. Emoticons for a smiley face :- and sad face :- appear in the first documented use in digital form.
A Guide to WeChat Emoticon Meanings - And so, on this occasion, he did not seek to avoid the chat on which Pierre was bent. Achievements that are unlocked each have a different meaning.
They must have something interesting to show. You send the most snaps to this person, and they send bedeutung chat most snaps to you. You send a lot of snaps to someone they also send a lot of snaps to. You send the most snaps to the same person that they do. You send this person a lot of snaps. Not your 1 best friend, but they are up there. You have snapped this person every day, and they have snapped you back. Increases with number of consecutive days. The 100 emoji appears next to the fire when you snap back and forth with someone for one hundred days in a row. Send another snap to keep it alive. Only displays if friend has the Birthday Party feature enabled in settings. Purple Zodiac Emojis Users who have a birthday stored in Snapchat get a small purple emoji next to their name, corresponding with the relevant zodiac symbol for their date of birth. This changes to a blue unread-style dot when the recipient bedeutung chat currently active. Bedeutung chat Stories Emojis that show next to Snapchat stories are used for officially verified accounts. These may show as a,,or any other emoji available. A custom emoji next to a celebrity or public figure means the account is official, no matter which emoji is displayed. Trophies show a emoji until each achievement has been unlocked. Achievements that are unlocked each have a different meaning. Here is a look at the Trophy Case with each achievement showing on a new row in a grid of emojis. Snapchat Icon Meanings Snapchat has other icons that appear in the interface. These are not emojis, but provide additional information about your snaps. Additional descriptions are copyright © Emojipedia. Emoji images displayed on Emojipedia are © their respective creators unless otherwise noted. Follow Emojipedia on, or.
Kann auf einen inneren Dialog hinweisen, über eine Vorgehensweise muss nachgedacht oder eine Entscheidung noch getroffen werden. Increases with number of consecutive days. U+A9 ® Eingetragenes Markenzeichen Kreis mit einem R in der Mitte. Die Kennzeichnung darf nur für eingetragene Marken verwendet werden. Wird genutzt, um Bedenken zu äußern oder einen Wunsch laut herauszuschreien. As computers offer increasing built-in support for non-Western writing systems, it has become possible to use other glyphs to build emoticons. Steht für Balance und Ausgeglichenheit. Archived from on November 15, 2012.