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Dating a feminist girl

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We had 3 dates by the way, that's why I said never again. So come back, when you have something of value to say instead of wallowing in self-pity and self-righteousness.

In some other cases, the women realize they have been ball-busting a good thing and quietly drop feminism at least in their daily behaviors. By every single feminist, including you, I am the bad guy because I am a man. I think of a feminist in todays society as someone who may not have to be so in your face with telling you all that they are and correcting you when you may make a gender specific comment.

- Politics is also a big part of my life, including feminist discussions regularly.

Here at Return of Kings, feminism sometimes gets a bad rap. But this is a little bit unfair because while feminism does have its drawbacks, it also brings a lot of good things to both women and men. Although it might not be apparent at first, men benefit from feminism just as much as women. The main way to reap these benefits is by dating them. Of course, I am not suggesting that you date a corpulent, third-wave intersectional feminist with blue hair and ironic glasses. Rather, there are plenty of women who accept the feminist philosophy but stubbornly maintain a feminine shape—a vestige of the patriarchy. With regard to dating, these modern gals can be very enjoyable company at a very low price. Feminists are easy Feminism saved women from this type of horrible oppression. Their options were to become a wife and mother who was respected by her husband and children, a spinster who lived with her parents, or, if they lived in Catholic countries, a nun. Being a slut was not an option because most women did not work outside the home—they needed to rely on their husband to provide for them. Even women who inherited family wealth and therefore did not need a husband preferred to remain chaste because they possessed the outdated patriarchal virtues of self-respect and dignity. Fast forward to the 21 st century. Thanks to feminism, women have so many more choices. Feminism is about more than just women being able to spend ten hours per day in a cubicle farm in a dead end job, it also means that they are free to have sex with random men, women, and transsexuals. After all, being a slut is empowering. As a man, what this means is that you are certain of getting laid by the third date. And, as feminists have become even more empowered, even a single date is not necessary any more. You must get a signed consent form from the feminist with at least two witnesses. You must get your sexual encounter professionally filmed. The feminist must submit to a blood alcohol test. Failure to practice safe sex can result in a nasty burning rash and a prison sentence for rape. Take advantage of this wonderful liberation that feminism has given to women and enjoy gobs of unfulfilling, commitment-free sex. One example of this is birth control—preferably taxpayer funded birth control. Although most feminists are very health conscious and only eat free-range, halal, non-GMO, organic tofu, they will think nothing of flooding their bodies with powerful artificial hormones from the moment they hit puberty until they die. In fact, you should wear a condom at all times, even while you are sleeping. However, it is nice to know that feminists are on birth control. Feminists will pay for your date In the bad old patriarchal days, the man was expected to pay for dates. Any less would be unequal, and therefore, unacceptable. Granted, dates are no longer necessary, but why not have that feminist gal buy you dinner before the amorous activities? Make sure it is that hot restaurant that just opened. Pro tip: order wine. A good bottle of wine can double the price of dinner. Or something like that. These progressive politicians will make great gains for feminist women, just like President Obama did. To feel sorry for a feminist is extremely patronizing. If you attempt to pay for the date, it means you are a horrible bigot. Well, at least not usually. Feminists will agree to degrading sex The great thing about feminism is that women are now free to choose to engage in sexual acts that would make the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah blush. You can get a feminist to do just about anything if you tell her that it will make her more empowered. The whole degrading sex thing got a big boost from the 50 Shades of Grey books. Now, feminist women believe that it is normal to be tied up and smacked with a riding crop. Most men will not want to go down this road, but perverts will be pleased to know that feminism and the media have made it easy for them to engage in their deviant acts. Conclusion It is becoming clear that patriarchy is coming back soon—much sooner than I expected. Even now, there are. Once it returns, it will roll back all of the heroic gains achieved by feminists over the past 100 years, and with that, all of the benefits that are listed above. Make full use of all of the wonderful fruits of feminism while they last. Lightler A well written article and funny too. Feminism has been successful, only because their demands for increased privileges have been accompanied by increased sexual liberty. Men have accepted feminism as the payment the increased sexual liberty has been sufficient for the annoyance the increased privileges. Feminist increased sexual liberty has always been a tactic to be removed when convenient. Men should assume that feminists will soon revert back to reduced sexual liberty, as soon as they decide they have enough privileges. Feminism has always been, and will always be, about more privilege without responsibility. Devlin suggests this frustration is so severe it has lead to an anger that is directed at western civilisation itself. Of course some men abetted the sexual revolution, thinking they could get more bangs. Musti LOL fuck no. I took the Red pill for a reason. I was talking to a feminist girl here in Sweden last year, everything was going well. I started turning into a damn white knight pussy before she started ignoring my messages. I take it as a good thing, it was my road to discovering the bullshit i always believed. I think women in Sweden have their own special feminism coupled with the fact that they know they are highly attractive, and this makes things more difficult for men. Wrathchild All guys I have ever seen on a serious relationship with moderate to extreme feminists are weak left-leaning men. Ketsune Yup, money does make a man alpha. Just like the manosphere says, after all. I figured that that was what you wanted to say, but it was not clear to me. Might want to work on your use of irony. He in fact did not just call her a whore, he presented proof that suggested that she was one. Are you a man? If so, do you not feel any disgust towards a female with many sexual partners? I doubt the story is even real. This is a site for men. Men come here because they want to share their thoughts and emotions among others with similar experiences. They do not come here to have someone police their language. I am sure that you do not always talk well about men with your girl-friends, but it is none of my business, anyway. Maybe you are a saint, but frankly, that would be your own pathology. You are intruding here. Nobody cares for your corrections. If you want to help somebody, go find somebody who actually asks for your help. Otherwise, you are just a bother and a stupid bitch and a pain in the ass. The feminist culture of the states encourages women to become selfish Victims. I feel bad for them. The pump and dump paradigm is something I personally chose to reject for that very reason. At least those of us with a heart. I was pissed that these women were sleeping with loser betas they were leading along. I treat my wife with dignity and respect and I expect the same from her. She agrees the USA is a hot mess when it comes to relationships between men and women and this has spread to much of the western world and that it now takes men extra time to sort it all out. Young, untrained men who are 19 are simply not ready to settle down. RedGuyNYC Could the moderators please ban this female??!!! PolishKnightUSA I know one such conservative guy. The woman wears the pants in the family so to speak. So more often than not, the women dump the men. In some other cases, the women realize they have been ball-busting a good thing and quietly drop feminism at least in their daily behaviors. Lightler The only thing a man must know about feminism, is to follow the actions of Gloria Steinem: — male-hating feminist — editor of Ms magazine — in her 60s, when she realized she was getting old and had no pension, she married David Bale, a rich white male who was already diagnosed with cancer. He died three years later. At the time of the marriage, Bale had been facing deportation after overstaying his visa. We spent 30 years in the United States changing the marriage laws. If I had married when I was supposed to get married, I would have lost my name, my legal residence, my credit rating, many of my civil rights. She hustled and got the position and money from her husband, despite her youth having vanished long before the marriage certificate was signed. He knew she was a man-hating feminist, yet he married her and bestowed his hard-earned resources upon her. He was just weak and liked her enough to marry her, bottom line. Maybe to him, her fame and status meant more than youth or fertility, seeing how he was also old and already sick. Ketsune Are you serious, or just 15 years old? You are really uncouth and intellectually challenged. See also Proverbs 5 and 7. What she did was good for her, because she took advantage of a man with inferior morals and a backbone as hard as his cock. Is it correct from a moral perspective, hell no. Whose fault is it, well they both have it. Her for preying onto him, and him for being weak. Howard Marshall married Anna Nicole Smith. What about that dude? Sometimes, some men are REALLY stupid. They should serve as cautionary tales of what happens when you wife up sluts. Lighter said in the first place…. Ketsune Sadly, Western European women are beginning to act and be more like American women. Losing hope in humanity- sad. This mindset is essentially raw female nature distilled, without the restraints. I have no doubt that their feminist beliefs are some kind of solipsistic diversion to keep people from realizing what absolute animals they are. Bahhh, bahhh go eat some grass sheeple. Feminists have been trying to make rape include even normal sex for a very long time. In college campuses in California a man must ask a girl permission to have sex or its considered rape. And imagine those girls came back later and even wanted more permissionless sex and many became girlfriends, the sickos! So a few months ago I visited an Eastern European girl I know in the Caribbean. So she picks me up at the airport, and immediately we go out with her and some of her Russian friends. Later she confesses that we had fucked for hours and it was one of the best nights of her life and it drives her nuts that I remember none of it. So my question for you-was I raped? Clearly I was too drunk to consent, even though I apparently had enthusiasm. You will forget typically over 2. Women have these quite a lot and despite having consensual sex during the blackout period may claim they were raped or subjected to a date rape drug. As a man you take a risk, its very unfair and must be changed but take care. Apollyon Two things: there needs to be a trigger warning. Since gender is a social construct I learned that in Gender Studies , it stands to reason we come in all shapes, sizes and sexualities. Also, I suspect some of those evil white men are not meeting in well-lit cafes. Most likely they are meeting in dingy, poorly-lit KKK basements. Emma Watson is hawt! But seriously, I can vouch for all but 3. The only other women who had done that have been friends. Not friends with benefits, but girls I was cool with, and it happened spontaneously. Feverish What the FUCK is that text exchange above all about?? Jesus Christ, what a trash heap that girl is! Exhibit A right there! Greigio76 Feminists are easy, but can also easily retaliate with regret sex, renamed as rape or unconsented sex or sexual harrassment. Make yourself easy to be forgotten. Feminist can certainly pay for dates, but they always want to feel special anyways. Luckily, people moved on to booty calls where no one has to pay. Who goes on dates anymore? Its a meetup to hook up. Feminists love their birth control, but they want the patriarchy government enforced insurance companies to pay for it. So the male majority is actually paying for it. No lack of irony there. As for degrading sex, see first paragraph. Shit, no, me and Silent Bob are pro-choice. Lots of loose women around abortion clinics; why else would they be there? You know, because these skanks are SO concerned about breast cancer as opposed to simply posting crass pics of themselves for their orbiters to drool over, right! And noone wants to see that! Yeah the majority of feminists are like the majority of democrats. There is a difference between a chick that took feminism in college and a self proclaimed fem nazi speaking bitch. For one one will make you flaccid the other will get you half mass. They are dirty little whores in the sack, will give it up easily. Now, I would never marry one or commit, but damn they are hilarious for a fling. PolishKnightUSA This actually happened. While with her normal American male friends, she went on and on about how oppressed she was by white males. Then when the Muslim guy treated her like dirt AND stuck her with the dinner tab, she got turned on. Phew, that was close, almost took this article at face value. Love the screen shot of the conversation. Cabbie must have been swerving all over the road looking at that in his rear view mirror. I have derived much pleasure in such pursuits. The female body used to be powerful enough but now 95% of them are physically unhealthy by age 17 and their power is gone, so men are seeking other ways to get tingles. Nude women on the internet are so accessible that the power is nearly gone, on to something new…. Real-life attractive women are so few and far between that they are inaccessible. Internet attractive women are too accessible. Erin I have a question. As a caveat, I am a feminist and a female, and I ran across this site by accident. The question is this. Do the writers and readers here genuinely believe most of the stuff on this website? Or is it a kind of half thought-experiment, half-troll? Or a kind of attempt to reclaim perceived lost male territory through a reactionary assuming of exaggerated old-fashioned opinions? If so, is this tactic deployed consciously? Or is this really how people on here actually, genuinely feel? The articles are more relevant than those that are published in Jezebel. Erin, if feminism were real, the fems would be helping their housecleaners, gardeners and taxi drivers move up in the world and improve themselves, by sending them to college, giving them loans, and letting them study ways to advance themselves, while at work. Instead they want their help to work longer hours, have no maternity leave with job guarantee, no paid health insurance, work on holidays and of course no dinners at the club with them for any reason. I AM NOT A FEMINIST. It seems that you have a hard time believing that people have a different opinion than you. Here, try reading the manifesto, supplied on this site not on Jezebel , by Ted Kaczynski. Welcome to the point of no return, Erin, where things fall off the side of the flat earth. Pista Kis I was gonna write something about this one day, but this article is entirely correct. All that being said, feminists expect men to pay for them on dates just as much as regular women if not moreso because feminist ideology is about entitlements for women and bashing men to justify aforementioned entitlements. Since women are always Victims and men always owe them something, feminists can easily justify special treatment for her when it suits her. They appear terrified of being accused of being old fashioned and lying there. This is a man-hating ideology and someone using it to label themselves should raise a serious red flag even if all else appears normal. It almost never makes them better than they would have been otherwise. Women are literally walking Chemical Plants. In the real world most women tote the feminist BS until the check arrives. Even in my blue pill days I had Beta Game, which included sympathizing with the Slut double standard, today I realize feminist women are so easy because of that experience, just pretend you care about their rights to be sluts, and presto be rewarded with sex. By the way, 50 Shades of Grey was very mild compared to that tweet you posted. Was that for real or fake? BAT 21 Michael- You are a visionary, most of us on ROK would stay clear of the fems! I would have liked you to tell us about your own personal experience banging a fem!! Is the article based on personal experience or your own research?? Thanks for planting new ideas in my head. I think to hookup with a fem you might half to infiltrate her world and be a poser!!! Probably a pump and dump!!

Feminism As Described By Sofie Hagen A Man
A feminist, on the other hand, will realize that an ring line of communication — not just coming from the man — is required to be in a successful relationship. Good luck to you. Beyoncé performed at last year's VMAs in front of ; Buzzfeed, an enormously popular media outlet, recently expressed ; and an increasing number of elements is willing to adopt the label compared to a decade ago. Also, I hate the double standards relating to sex, body hair, gender roles etc. No, sexist jokes are not funny and they are certainly not acceptable. Women have done nothing but bettering our lives. Now, I would never he one or commit, but damn they are hilarious for a fling. In the long run, this will dating a feminist girl you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

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Jasno je da je Balašević ciljao da napravi mikrokosmos po meri junaka svojih pesama, naglašen lokalnim koloritom, ali je upravo u ovom segmentu išao uz dlaku očekivanjima svoje percepirane publike. Avec FULLTV, vous trouverez plus de 50,000 fiches de films français et du monde entier.

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Piše: Sead Vegara Na samom početku ovog prikaza moramo nešto objasniti. Potpisnik ovih redova otkad ponovo zna za sebe sluša Balaševića. Što opet znači da toga nije bilo puno; Skenderija i Zetra jednom te sada 18. Zetra po drugi put. Naravno, ne računajući onaj Mercatorov party. U svakom slučaju, Balaš mu je bio i donekle ostao inspiracija za pohod na djevojačka srca sve do onog trenutka kada je to postalo… Pa dobro, postalo je previše… za njega. Bar u glavi jer kako god to izgledalo na platnu kada pročitate nešto stvarate sebi taj svijet, likove, njihove karaktere, skrojite sami scene sa kompletnim dekorom i svime što uz to ide. Pisana je kao roman, ali ima formu scenarija. Radio sam je dve godine s puno ljubavi i otprilike je kompilacija svega što sam dosad uradio i ima formu radnog scenarija Đ. Balašević Reditelj: Đorđe Balašević, uloge: Rade Šerbedžija, Daniel Kovačević, Predrag Bjelac, Marko Makivić, Jovana Balašević, Ivan Đurić, Danica Jarcová, Mustafa Nadarević, Radoje Čupić, 2010. Kako reče Balaš u navedenoj izjavi, ovaj film bi se mogao posmatrati kao kompilacija svega što je do sada uradio. Oni koji ga ne vole sigurno neće voljeti ni ovaj film, a mnogi od onih poštovalaca lika i djela Đ. Balaševića će sigurno uživati u filmu. Možda će mu jedino zamjeriti na trajanju 168 minuta , ali se tih skoro tri sata provedenih u stolici i ne osjeti. Mnoštvo je likova od kojih je svaki pažljivo iznijansiran i time zadobio svoje bitno mjesto u filmu i priči koja je smještena u vojvođansku ravnicu uz rijeku Tisu u sami osvit Prvog svjetskog rata, a teče onako kako priče u ravnici obično i idu, polako i staloženo, bez muke i strke, bez požurivanja. Bar je Balašević kao režiser vodi lagano baš kao i u svojim pjesmama za koje kaže da nikada nema dovoljno mjesta da sve otpjeva odrecituje, rekli bi zlobnici , kako je ona došla… on otišao… ona se udala za drugog… on se propio… Spalio je juli seno, a Tisa nezapamćeno opala… Trojica junaka, od kojih je svaki odglumljen odlično, su portertirani sa takvom spontanošću da vam se jednostavno učini da su ti likovi zaista stvarni; Daniel Kovačević kao Vasa Ladački, Marko Makivić kao Nikola i Ivan Đurić kao Andrija. Starog Vasu glumi Rade Šerbedžija, na sebi svojstven način —standrardno dobro, stari Nikola je Predrag Bjelac čarobnjak iz četvrtog dijela Harryja Pottera H. Film počinje naracijom i dolaskom ostarjelog Nikole narator je Balašević iako izgovara Nikoline misli u stari kraj na sahranu svog ujaka Emila Šraca Radoje Čupić — jedan od onih likova u filmovima zbog kojih sa nestrpljenjem očekujete sljedeću scenu u kojoj će se pojaviti. Nakon što posjeti svog sada također ostarjelog prijatelja Vasu priča se vraća 30 godina unazad kada su obojica bili mladići i obojica zaljubljeni u istu djevojku, Malu Vidru — Oleanu Jovana Balašević. Treći spomenuti junak Andrija, njihov prijatelj, je zaljubljen u ženu doktora Šefera Vojin Cetković —Otiliju Danica Jarcová. Mustafa Nadarević igra Andrijinog tetka Verebeša, vlasnika trgovine, koji baš ne odobrava Andrijine postupke. Ne treba zaboraviti ni Nikolu Đurićka koji je savršeno izabran za lik žandarskog kapetana Nađmandića. Momci odlaze u rat nakon kojega ništa više neće biti isto. Muški likovi dominiraju filmom, a ženski, Jovana Balašević kao Oleana, ljubavni interes dvojice junaka Vase i Nikole, i Danica Jarcová kao Otilija Šefer, potajna Andrijina ljubav, su portretirani na isto takav dobar način. Svakako valja spomenuti i legendarnu Miru Banjac koja igra muškaraču skeledžijku. Možda je i najteži posao na projektu imao montažer Siniša Bokan koji je morao da ukomponuje sve te idilične kadrove. Posao asistenta reditelja i asistenta montažera je zapao Balaševićevu kćerku Bebu koja je inače profesor montaže na novosadskoj Akademiji , a kostime je uradila gospođa Balašević koja ima i malu ulogu baronice Beslin. Nekima će zasmetati sporost priče, mnoštvo likova, odsustvo jednog glavnog lika, dužina trajanja, višestruki završeci… Ono u čemu film Kao rani mraz prednjači su neki od zaista najljepše napisanih dijaloga, replike pune životne mudrosti, romanse i sentimentalnosti je u izobilju, a sve je tako lijepo glumački dočarano.

Iz filma 'Kao rani mraz' - Spaladium arena
Nakon višegodišnjeg nadgornjavanja sa Ljubišom Samardžićem koji je nesporazum rešio snimivši stotine i stotine filmskih i televizijskih minuta o , Đorđe Balašević, ikonična pojava mnogih SFRJ mladosti, je, uz podršku čitave svoje porodice a i državnih blagajnika na više instanci odlučio da uradi ekranizaciju svoje pesme o Vasi Ladačkom. Les marques citées sur cette page sont propriété de leurs titulaires. Ukoliko smatrate da se u ovom članku krši Kodeks novinara, prijavite. Everybody lives, but not everybody loves. NAPOMENA: Komentari ne odražavaju stav redakcije Popboksa već je ono što je u njima napisano isključivo stav autora komentara. Ipak, ovo nije nekakva belaćevićevska shoestring produkcija, te se film može prikazivati po volji, pod šatrom ili na platnu razapetom između dve gradske bandere, a sa druge strane srpske kinematografije nije toliko bogata i obilna da može sebi da priušti jedan ovako grandiozni ekces. Tako je Rani mraz film bez privida fokusa i glavnog lika, koji uz to ne želi da bude ni široko razmahana društvena hronika. Naravno, bio je to još jedan u nizu viceva po kojima je Đole poznat.

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Poruke za dobro jutro

Ljubavne poruke za dobro jutro - za odličan početak dana

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Sms poruke za dobro jutro za njega Neka tvoj osmeh se budi i neka krasi ovaj dan kao i sunčani zraci. Tvoja vredna sestra je već skuvala kafu i čeka te na terasi!

Najbolje i najlepše ljubavne sms poruke. Nadam se da ću te ubrzo videti. Tvoja ljubav je sve što mi treba da bih bio srećan.

Ljubavne poruke za dobro jutro - za odličan početak dana - Nije mi žao što te baš ja budim, lep je dan i želim da te ljubim.

Poželite svojoj ljubavi dobro jutro uz neku romantičnu poruku. Svakome dan može odlično započeti uz samo pokoju lijepu riječ, a nema ljepše od toga nego znati da vas netko voli i misli na vas. Probudi se srce kad te nježno budim. Probudi se srce, želim da te ljubim. A poljupci moji ljepši su od sna. Probudi se ljubavi jer volim te ja. Recept za današnji dan: jedan smiješak za doručak, puno smijeha za ručak, brdo veselja za večeru. Dobro jutro i uživaj. Dobro jutro mojoj najvećoj ljubavi, osmijeh joj šaljem s poljupcem vrelim, šaljem ti ovo jutarnje sunce da ti obasja lik i da ti kaže: Volim te zauvijek. Podsjećamo vas da za ovu uslugu dugujete jedan poljubac. Za dobro jutro šaljem ti srce sa jutarnjom rosom, da te volim šaljem ti cvrkut ptica, u tvoju kosu ti šaljem prve sunčeve zrake, a moji poljupci sa šapatom vjetra nek te jutrom miluju i nježno bude. Rano je jutro a tebi se spava, trljaš okice i pada ti glava. Nije mi žao što te baš ja budim, lijep dan ti želim i puno te ljubim. Ako još spavaš, probudi se. Ako si tužan, nasmij se. Ako te netko osvaja i za ljubav moli, ti mu reci da postoji neko ko te već jako voli. Poruka dobro jutro nema jednostavno značenje kad je šaljem tebi, ona znači mnogo više od toga, znači da si ti u mojim mislima od samog jutra. Sada kada vidim sunce da izlazi, mislim na tvoje lijepo lice i zrake sunca kako se lome na njemu, klize i miluju te kao moje ruke, i ljubomoran sam na zvijezdu koja nam život znači i ljut na daljine koje nas dijele. Dobro jutro ljubavi u srcu ti želim. Otkako sam zaljubljen u tebe svako jutro ima smisla. Iskoristite prvo jutro za jednu lijepu i romantičnu ljubavnu poruku koju ćete uputiti voljenoj osobi. Neka vam sva jutra započnu s ljubavlju.

Dobro jutro☕
Čekaju nas nove avanture! Ako si tužan, nasmij se. Probudi se ljubavi jer volim te ja. Neka naša ljubav sjaji kao što je sjajno sunce koje nam donosi novi dan. Takođe, ovdje možete pronaći i poruke za vama drage osobe... Za početak današnjeg dana daću ti 7 saveta. Naša arhiva se svakodnevno popunjava lepim porukama za sve prilike.

0 Tovább

Erotski filmovi sa prevodom online

Francuski erotski filmovi koji će vam ulepšati romantično veče

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I zato ih objavljujemo — Top lista 10 najbolji erotski filmovi, na radost muške publike pre svega, zato što erotski filmovi sami po sebi vrede, i jer je erotika sastavni deo naših života. Scotta Fitzgeralda Veliki Getsbi u režiji Baza Luhrmanna će biti premijerno prikazana na Božić 2012. Film prati seksualnu vezu između Amerikanke, Eve Green koja upoznaje dvojicu Francuza, inače braću blizance tokom pariskih studentskih protesta, 1968. Prvi film je snimljen 1974.

Erotski filmovi su za mnoge umetnost, predstavljanje seksa i ljubavnih susreta kroz neku dublju misao, blur, usporenost. Sastavljena je lista najbolji erotski filmovi i to umetnički za naše čitaoce. Daneel otkriva da je odrastao u obliznjem sirotistu i odvodi Sophie na malo ostrvo usred Crnog MOra. Da li objaviti ili ne listu najboljih erotskih filmova?

Join Us on FB & TWitter - Njih dvoje se upoznaju u apartmanu koji žele oboje da iznajme, što ih polako uvodi u anonimnu, seksualnu vezu u kojoj kriju svoje prave identitete. Prica o otpadnicima koji zive kao bube i postaju heroji snimljena po scenariju Dimitrija Vojnova, Nikole Pejakovica i Pe...

Top erotski filmovi NAJBOLJI EROTSKI FILMOVI SVIH VREMENA Volite li erotski film? Sastavljena je lista najbolji erotski filmovi i to umetnički za naše čitaoce. Top lista 10 najbolji umetnički erotski filmovi Zanimaju li vas erotski filmovi? Stigao nam je mail od jednog tajanstvenog čitaoca sa spiskom filmova. Prosledili smo ga našem Filmskom kritičaru, koji je ocenio da se radi čitaocu koji voli italijanskog reditelja Tinta Brasa i njegov opus, kao i o izboru kvalitetnih erotskih filmova. Dodao je i da se radi o čitaocu koji poznaje filmsku umetnost, posebno italijanski film koji dominira u izboru. A verovatno je i ljubitelj italijanskih glumica i lepotica. Valeria Marini — film Bambola Šta sad? Da li objaviti ili ne listu najboljih erotskih filmova? U prvi mah smo mislili da je neka provokacija, ali smo se onda zamislili i upitali zašto bi nam neko slao ovakvu listu. Na kraju smo odlučili da objavimo listu, jer se radi o ozbiljnim filmovima, koji nisu banalni, imaju svoju estetiku i umetničku vrednost bez obzira što je u pitanju erotski film. Na neki način smo hteli da skrenemo pažnju svim onim ljubiteljima filmova za odrasle da postoje i takvi sadržaji koji nisu samo ogoljena manifestacija sirove seksualnosti i voajerizma. I zato ih objavljujemo — Top lista 10 najbolji erotski filmovi, na radost muške publike pre svega, zato što erotski filmovi sami po sebi vrede, i jer je erotika sastavni deo naših života. I da bi pokazali da ne mora sve na planu seksualnosti da bude vulgarno. Erotski filmovi su samo za odrasle. BioProstata biljne kapi za prostatu, prostatitis i uvećanje prostate Top lista najbolji erotski filmovi po izboru tajanstvenog čitaoca 1. Monamur …………2005 Tinto Brass 4. Meso le Carne …1991 Marco Ferreri 6. Šampanjac za doručak…1980 Chris Warfield 8. Pogledajte neke scene iz ponudjenih erotskih filmova po izboru našeg čitaoca sa glavnim glumicama.

ZABRANjENA PRIVLAČNOST Strani Film sa Prevodom
Kada Drakula vodi hotel, u goste mu dolaze Frankenstein i vukodlaci, a glavna smetnja su - obicni ljudi! Film postavlja pitanje da li su jedinstvene sposobnosti naše rase opasnost za svet. Prvi film imao je nevjerovatnu gledanost - u kinima širom svijeta ga je odgledalo 300 miliona ljudi, a prema nekim procjenama, ako bi se tome dodao i video i DVD, brojka bi se popela na 650 miliona. Streams hosted from sites like veetle, Mips, Veemi are embedded here. Za sve informacije kontaktirajte nas na DISCLAIMER : None of the videos are hosted by this site. Na kraju smo odlučili da objavimo listu, jer se radi o ozbiljnim filmovima, koji nisu banalni, imaju svoju estetiku i umetničku vrednost bez obzira što je u pitanju erotski film. Tada u Zemljinu orbitu dospeva cudna materija, koja potice iz 11. Nakon što Neđa umre i njihova egzistencija biva ozbiljno ugrožena, glava porodi... Godine 1945, u tajnoj bazi na Antartiku, nacisti su lansirali svemirske brodove da bi napravili bazu na tamnoj strani Meseca. S obzirom da je sutra Dan zaljubljenih, mislimo da je sada idealno vreme da vas upoznamo sa najboljim erotskim filmovima koji su snimljeni u francuskoj produkciji. Da li ce priroda ostati ziva i zdrava ili ce je zlo... Film govori o posledicama rata, o onom iracinalnom sto ra...

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Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.